Fitness funnies

Ordering ‘healthy’ at Starbucks… and a spring funny

I have a minor addiction to some things that aren’t necessarily ‘healthy’ ~ Starbucks coffee drinks and chocolate being at the top of the list.  I’m a firm believer in EVERYTHING IN MODERATION, so I allow myself to indulge every now and then!

Here are some tips for ordering ‘healthy’ at Starbucks… Screen Shot 2014-03-27 at 11.51.13 AM

  • Get less ‘pumps’ – a grande latte has FOUR pumps of sweetener!  That sugary deliciousness is not needed.  I’ve gotten down to ONE pump and still enjoy the flavor.  I don’t like the taste of the ‘artificial’ skinny flavors, so I do the real deal.  My favorite go-to order is a grande, non-fat, half-caff, one pump caramel latte.  You can try ‘skinny’ if you’re able to!
  • Go non-fat. Saves calories and fat.
  • Get decaf or half-caff.  Caffeine can dehydrate you. Pair it with a large water for added hydration benefits.
  • Get a regular coffee or [unsweetened] tea.  They will save you money and calories!




On a side note, my aunt sent us this funny today.  I literally laughed out loud, so hope you enjoy a smile too!  Notice how stylish this little birdie is with his Starbucks & Northface?  All this little birdie wants is some SPRING weather!



Are you MORE than ready for Spring?  

What is your favorite Starbucks order?  

Spring – YAY! Head out for a run!

ShoesYesterday was the first day of Spring and today I had the pleasure of running outside in 65 degree SUNSHINE!

In a tank top!

So those of you that have been staying indoors due to the awful winter we had, find your running shoes, dust them off, strap them on and hit the trail!

Our Living Fit Running Group will be meeting tomorrow @ 9AM to run 8+ miles as we train for the Cap City Half.  Come join us!

A few Friday Fitness Funnies to get us through the weekend…


Hopefully the cold winter running days are [mostly] behind us!  It may get cold next week, but we will stay positive.


A friend sent this one to me the other day (thanks BVelch!) and it made me laugh 🙂

 I used to ‘Run to Eat’ literally.  I LOVE chocolate, pasta, bread, wine, chocolate, Starbucks caramel lattes, chocolate… you get the idea.  I would RUN so I could burn these calories off.

As I’ve tried to be more fitness and health conscience over the last two months, I’ve realized that what you eat is SO IMPORTANT to your overall fitness and physique, especially when trying to lose weight ~ 70-90%  according to various fitness experts (the other 10-30% is exercise and good ‘ol genetics).  So its okay to indulge every now and then… but try to consume the sweets in moderation if you want to get lean and mean!  Spring is upon us and before you know it, Summer will arrive and you’ll be heading to the pool (and don’t you want to look like the girl in the photo above, haha!)

So I vow to try and continue to eat clean and healthy.  Most of the time.  With the occasional sneak of chocolate.

Happy weekend!  See you on the trail!

New[er] to running? We won’t judge!

We had a great 8 mile run this AM with Columbus Running Company’s Cbus Pacers.  More on this later in the week.

Saw this hilarious video this AM (thanks Christa!) and had to post…

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If you’re just getting back into shape or starting to run, come run with our Living Fit Run Club!  If you’re anything like this video and nervous about a new routine, we will help coach you through it… no judgements!

Have a great weekend… hope you make it out for a run 🙂